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About Doing it Tough

Funded by NSW Health, Doing It Tough is a partnership between Suicide Prevention Australia and Australian Men’s Health Forum.

The website connects men in NSW who are looking for support with addiction, relationship issues, financial difficulties, abuse, job related challenges and mental health, with over 150 local groups and community organisations.

We understand that there are many factors that lead to tough times. The website provides an easy way to connect men in NSW with the appropriate support by understanding their situation, the problems they are facing, and the type of support they would like to receive.

In creating the website, we have brought together people with lived experience and experts in the suicide prevention sector, to bridge the gap between men doing it tough and support services.

Suicide Prevention Australia Logo

About Suicide Prevention Australia

Suicide Prevention Australia is the national peak body for the suicide prevention sector. We believe that through collaboration and shared purpose, we can work towards our ambition of a world without suicide. We’re a member-based organisation that’s guided by people with lived experience of suicide. We count among our members the largest and many of the smallest organisations working in suicide prevention, practitioners, researchers and community leaders. United we provide a clear, collective voice for suicide prevention, so that together we can save lives.

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About Australian Men’s Health Forum

The Australian Men’s Health Forum (AMHF) is the peak body for men’s health in Australia and at the centre of a broad network of individuals and organisations working together to tackle the social factors that shape men and boys’ health. AMHF provides men with the information they need to lead healthier lives, promotes male-friendly ways of delivering health services to men, connects the men’s health sector through forums, webinars and events, and champions people who work to improve the lives of men and boys. AMHF also makes the case for Government action to improve male health and is the driving force behind International Men’s Day in Australia.

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NSW LogoNSW logo

About NSW Health

Doing It Tough is funded by NSW Health’s towards zero suicides initiative under the Community Response Packages for Priority Groups. The Towards Zero Suicides initiatives seek to provide leading best practice crisis care and support, build on local community resilience and improve systems and practices to reduce the suicide rate in NSW. The Community Response Packages for Priority Groups recognise that some groups of people are at higher risk of suicide and need specific community approaches developed to prevent this. Doing It Tough has been created to address the priority population of men, noting that 3 out of 4 suicides are men.

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If you, or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 000, visit your nearest hospital or call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

“We know men can find it harder to reach out for support when they are going through a rough time, and Doing it Tough provides a one stop shop full of resources, information, and links to support services which men can turn to during those challenging times. Streamlining access to mental health support is crucial, we are proud to support Suicide Prevention Australia to bring this essential website to life.”- NSW Mental Health Minister, Rose Jackson, said knowing where to turn to get support when you are doing it tough was essential.