Directions Health Services provides free, integrated services and programs for individuals, family members and friends impacted by alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, mental health and other complex health issues... read more →
The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship or relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope, in order to solve their common problem. The Al-Anon program of recovery... read more →
Support groups for people in recovery from narcotic drug addictions. Call 1300 652 820. Find someone to talk to or search for meetings. - 1300 652 820 or 0488 811 247. This service... read more →
Support groups for people in recovery from alcohol addition. National helpline 1300 22 22 22 There are online support groups that can be attended virtually. To search for local AA... read more →
A Safe Haven is a place you can go if you’re feeling distressed or having suicidal thoughts. It is a safe place where you can talk openly about how you... read more →
OM:NI is for men aged over 50. OM:NI groups create safe male-only sharing experience to help members reduce loneliness, address issues that affect their lives, and enhance their health, wellbeing and... read more →
Walk, Talk and Support. Connection and support through regular walking groups in various locations. The Man Walk provides an opportunity for men to get together to walk, talk and support... read more →
Provides a 24/7 call line and in-person support services for individuals and communities impacted by suicide. Their trained professionals offer emotional support, practical advice, and connect people to available resources... read more →
A peer support community group for men where a group of local guys get together each month for dinner and conversation about how they are and what’s going on for... read more →
Service provides support and referrals to those who are suffering from PTSI (formerly PTSD), anxiety, depression and addictions. They provide counselling, support groups, education resources, and a helpline (open from... read more →