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I found
support that



“I found support that worked” is a campaign designed to inspire men who may be struggling to reach out for support.

The campaign centres around the realisation that every man’s journey, circumstances, and the support he finds are unique. What works for you, might not work for the next person.

These videos and blogs share the stories of how different men overcame their darkest moments by finding support that worked for them.

Doing It Tough would like to thank all the men involved in the campaign for generously sharing their stories of lived experience and offering hope.



If you are going through a tough time right now, know that you’re not alone.

These powerful stories show us that there is hope and that we can get through this.

Sometimes, we might not know where to start, but hearing about someone else’s journey may highlight support options you haven’t considered before.

It’s natural to feel hesitant or unsure about reaching out for help, but these stories aim to provide reassurance.

Suicide Prevention Australia CEO, Nieves Murray
“Sadly, 3,000 people die by suicide each year and three quarters are men. Support services are not always accessible or appropriate for men which is why this campaign provides a sense of hope for those who may not know how to reach out for support.

These men share deeply personal stories of lived experience and the resounding message is to reach out and talk because each time it becomes easier.”

Australian Men’s Health Forum CEO, Glen Poole
“Too many men are doing it tough, and this can damage their health, their quality of life and even put them at risk of suicide. We know that men may have to try numerous support services before finding one that works for them.

We hope that this campaign encourages men to take that first step. Whether you’re struggling with issues around money, mental ill-health, work, relationships or addiction – Doing it Tough has a range of support and services designed to meet men wherever they are.”

We acknowledge the men we have lost, who are no longer here to share their stories. We acknowledge the suffering that suicide brings when it touches our lives. The power of men sharing their stories of lived and living experience is important in creating hope.

Doing It Tough would like to acknowledge the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation as the Traditional Custodians of the Country we filmed the campaign on. We recognise their continuing connection to the land and waters, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.